Wednesday, November 4, 2009


how to dry apples, needed:
paring knife
cookie sheets
peel apples
put slices on cookie sheet so they dont overlap
150 F and put apples in oven
you have to leave the apples in the oven for 6 hours and every hour switch sides on the apples
put in a air tight container and eat whenever!

journal 4

life is awesome now! after a storm a bunch of indians saved us. they also found and saved father, and brought up grandma shaw. they helped make our cabin properly and grandma has been helping with the work. the indianstaught us a bunch of stuff including how to make maple sugar candy. we are back to living in our cabin after staying with them awhile and now our cabin is better than ever. i have better clothing after the natives helped us and got me warmer clothes. i have more free time to do what i want including have fun and eating candy. i fear that our help will go away and i will have to work real hard again, i dont like how dad is trying to get rid of our help but my new friends are teaching how to stnad up for myself. i think my father doesnt know when to take certain opportunitys and when not toso not all adults know everything. with my father in power i dont think its all that smart some times but i have to help. i really hjope that srah can come and stay with us awhile cause shes my best friend out here. i like how i dont really have to do anything its great with no responsibilities.

my timeline