Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Family Compact

Family compact was a group of people that made up the executive council of upper canada. In the executive council they decided who got jobs and who didn't, they also decided on the budget control and how to spend it. these people where the decendants of loyalist and believed in social clas and had ties to britain. This small group where often related and ran all northern canada and where often very snobbish. This group was more like a private club in most ways and all dressed alike. Even aristicrat had hard times breaking into these groups. Since these people had special benefits finacially andd invested in the first steam boat bussness and got even richer.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Colonies of canada land


so bobcat has been hunting for us for the last little while, and he has been our saviour. he continued to catch rabbits as food for us until something happend and his leg was broken, i think he was attacked by another animal. we have a small meat supply thanks to bobcat and will survive for another small while. were still stationed in the cabin only leaving it to shovel snow and gather fire wood. the cabin hasnt really changed at all since my last entry, but our situation has... where living off of the wild for food mainly and where the same clothes day in day out washing occasionly. the twins are a handful as usual and its a har life. I do really anything on the words of fun and where in the near death - starving situation. my fears are we will all die a horrid death but im happy where all here. i hope spring will come soon and we shall all be happy soon and seek help. im still looking after the twins and my self and are waiting on supplies that someone shall bring in the spring.

journal 2

its been a week and i thought father would be home by now, i hope he gets home, its gotten to the point where i dream and wish he were here, even though hes not all that poloite i miss him. where low on food and supplies and getting lower.. wee need our dad.
[a few days later]
where completely out of food and have been since yesterday, im so hungry. where still in the cabin, as always but its getting harder to live in it. whenever theres a small storm that shack will wobble because its not that stable. the twins are always hungry and im starving myself to feed them. we drink sugar in water to keep energy levels up. im am happy about thinking of drinking water with bark, itsnot bad but not good either. on the way back a wolf was following me and almost attacked, it was a scary encounter. my current responsibilities include keeping me and my twins alive, its very frightening. my dreams that are my most important things right now are that spring will come soon, father will return and we will all be happy again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

gender roles

women: all women where highly presured to get married, and usually got married by the age of 13/14.in 1766 after the revloutionary war when soldiers need tea, clothing and military uniforms because they where boycotting the brits so women made all these things.
men: made furniture
made fires
kids: helped make
stoke fire

Monday, October 19, 2009

journal 1

point of view: kate
the twins woke this morning and i put them back to sleep, its been hard Since my mother died i have been the un offical mother of the family. I have had to move from my home in Albany New York and are now in northern land called Canada and we live in a wagon. The wagon is very open and isnt considered very safe by my standards. i am currently wearing some older wool clothes, i get anything i can get a hold of because its so cold. we often eat basic nesccesity foods such as porrige and meats. i dont get to have alot of fun because of my situation and i am always working. i had quite the scare the other morning because
what i thouught was a wild cat was actually the
land owners cat clawing my wagon. i am quite sad still because my father doesnt talk to me much and because my mother died, and with so many wild animals in the area (which ii am very scared of) its hard to feel safe in this hostile world. my current accomplishment is raising my two brothers and meeting a new friend. i dont like how i must obey my father all the time and wish i could sometimes do whatever i would like to but... i cant :(. my responsibilitys include a large variation of things including feeding, clothing, helping everyone in the family. my hopes and dreams are that we will soon have a home like our old one in new york... and that i will have friends and we will have a town soon and everything will be ok. whats real important right now is that i have a friend and wish she could come with us to . when we first got to canada i almost got lost in the forest but a new friend of mine saved me from getting lost. I eventually got to meet the whole family and i got to talking to my new friend, Sarah. I am jelous of Sarah because she still gets to have alot of fun as a kid. At the current moment we are staying in a wagon beside my fathers friends house. We are preparing to leave to go to our land lot.