Monday, October 26, 2009


so bobcat has been hunting for us for the last little while, and he has been our saviour. he continued to catch rabbits as food for us until something happend and his leg was broken, i think he was attacked by another animal. we have a small meat supply thanks to bobcat and will survive for another small while. were still stationed in the cabin only leaving it to shovel snow and gather fire wood. the cabin hasnt really changed at all since my last entry, but our situation has... where living off of the wild for food mainly and where the same clothes day in day out washing occasionly. the twins are a handful as usual and its a har life. I do really anything on the words of fun and where in the near death - starving situation. my fears are we will all die a horrid death but im happy where all here. i hope spring will come soon and we shall all be happy soon and seek help. im still looking after the twins and my self and are waiting on supplies that someone shall bring in the spring.

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